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1. Advertisers are listed on Bear Valley, China Peak, and Shaver Lake Times with website or Facebook link. Previous editions are also online.
2. Advertising layout service is available at no additional fee. Just provide the publisher with logo, pictures, text and publisher will create ad and send proof to advertiser for their approval.
3. Copies of the completed publication are available to all advertisers.
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Publisher reserves the right, on 30 days notice, to revise rates on any agreement not signed.
1. Publisher reserves the right, without giving specific reason, to refuse advertising that is not in keeping with publisher’s standards.
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3. Advertising simulating editorial content is subject to approval of publisher and will be clearly labeled “advertisement”.
4. Liability for errors in advertisements will not exceed the cost of the space occupied by the error. Ad proofs are solely for error correction and minor changes.
5. Dates and times for cancellation of ads are the same as the deadlines for placing the ad.
6. Advertising proof approval and full payment is due no later than that noted on the insertion order.
7. All materials supplied to or produced by the Bear Valley, China Peak, and Shaver Lake Times becomes the property of the publisher.
8. Every effort will be made to meet reasonable position requests. Failure to meet these requests will not constitute cause for adjustment or refund.
9. Verbal cancellation must be followed by a letter within 5 working days.
10. Acceptance of advertising from any business in no way constitutes approval or endorsement of products or services advertised by the Bear Valley, China Peak, and Shaver Lake Times or Talahi Media Arts.
Advertising costs based upon the number of editorial pages required to meet needs of Bear Valley, China Peak, and Shaver Lake Times.
Payment and advertising copy are due where noted on the insterion order. The publication will begin distribution as stated on the insertion order.